The day after my birthday, a friend sent me a belated birthday wish on FaceBook: ‘Everyday is a birth day if you live it right,”‘ which what I’d been thinking, so, before my niece made the suggestion to follow Uncle Bill’s advice and stretch the BirthDAY celebration into an ongoing BirthMONTH celebration– I’d already realized that the way things flowed on my birthday was the way I’d like the to flow everyday and,. since I didn’t “Do” anything that special on my birthday – I figured I might be able to pull it off.  I  created a challenge like the 21 day meditation challenges that have recently enhanced my life:  every morning I renew my intention to celebrate the fact that I was born, that I am alive, that the world is my classroom and playground and there’s a big party going on to delight and gift me over and over and over again.

My intention includes operating from a place of innocence, playfulness and celebration of whatever I am doing and when I realize that I have strayed into other neighborhoods, my intention is to catch a safari and return to the party.

Had I spent my birthday drinking mimosas and margarittas and eating lots of chocolate cake, the morning after might have made me rethink my challenge but since I spent the day doing ordinary kinds of things that, because I was feeling like a kid on her birthday, seemed especially wonderful, I figured I could pull it off.

On my birthday itself, I was warmed by the many birthday greetings I got on Facebook from people I know and from people I don’t really know and I tuned into all the loving energy coming my way through cyberspace from all over the world , feeling my own energy buzzing in response. I watched an amazing video about forgiveness and adopting a broader vision of life.

I felt light and inspired as I headed out to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned, not perhaps a first choice on the birthday list but I figured why not have sparkling choppers on this special day and beside, I love hearing about my hygenist’s holidays while my mouth is otherwise occupied.

I took my clean teeth to Zora’s sandal shop where the celebration continued and I exchanged gifts with one of my birthday families while drooling over their new line of flowered sandals. I had an appointment with a telephone psychic, stopped by a friend’s house for a late afternoon dip in the pool and, moving right along headed out East for Ananda Niyalam’s weekly satsang (gathering for truth) where we sang and meditated and did a powerful exercise to rid ourselves of the bad memories and painful emotions that we store in the data banks of our sub-conscious.

Many birthday blessings and hugs later and, feeling bathed in the sweet light of love and community, I headed to a club to drop off a friend’s sound equipment which turned into  a surprise late night birthday dinner which was perfect because we were hungry. By the time I made it back to my end of the island, dropped off my friend and crawled into bed – I was full – of food and love and gratitude and birthday wellbeing.

Honoring my challenge I have indeed been setting an intention each morning to celebrate my life as though every day were my birthday –asking that the lessons and gifts of each day be revealed me to – gift wrapped in rainbows or naked as they come. And so far so good – on the day after my b’day you’d have found me basking in steel pan music at the beach and enjoying a b’day glass of champagne and dinner with a friend. The party continued with a pizza party today and a fete at the French club with mes amis francais and tomorrow I’m celebrating with my soul sistah goddesses, going boating and, in a few weeks, partying with my beach ladies and I guess the real point is that even as the actual date fades into the past not to let the energy fade with it.

Join me at  the Madhatter’s Tea Party where Alice and the Wonderland gang are perpetually celebrating their un-birthdays and singing:

A very merry un-birthday To me To who? To me Oh, you A very merry un-birthday To …. Now blow the candle out, my dear And make your wish come true A very merry un-birthday to you

As Tweedledum explained to Alice there are 364 unbirthdays – opportunities to receive (and give) un-birthday presents, eat un-birthday cakes and make wishes so Happy birthday or a Happy un-birthday.

Here’s to a day full of celebration, eager anticipation and delightful surprises.



4 Responses to A Very Happy Un-Birthday to You by Anne Nayer, msw – Coach Paradise

  • Polly Watts says:

    Another winner, Anne! You inspire me to brush off the worries and loosen the control reins – a bit!
    Stop by at Tillett’s and help us celebrate Rhoda’s birthday if you can. See you Wednesday night!

  • Deb Belluomini says:

    Happy belated birthday Anne! It sounds like it was awesome. Would you believe I am writing this from Rio de Janiero, where I am with my doctorate classmates to study Brazilian businesses? This was a day full of amazement – from visiting the Christ the Redeemer statue to wandering through the chaos of a Rio grocery store. Even though I don’t have a new job yet, I was blessed enough to participate in this trip. Life is indeed good, and I’ going to take a page from your book and celebrate every day as if it is a birthday. Thanks for another wonderful post.


  • your fan dan says:

    Birthdays mark one step closer to that tunnel at the end of the light. They get out voted by living joyfully the un-363

  • Anne says:

    Deb – Just saw this and I am so happy for you – you sound like you are living your dream and having a blast – all while getting a PH.D. I can tell that not working at that job you didn’t love has allowed you to enjoy yourself so much more including travel – keep up the downstream living 🙂 LOve, Anne

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